



我们仅向已授权的服务伙伴出售腕表相关配件,而非个人。   以确保Rado瑞士雷达表的配件只由我们授权的专业服务商所使用,他们所采用的仪器和工具质量、以及基础设施均符合我们严格制定的标准,同时,他们的员工也都受过专业培训。   您可以在此一览所有Rado瑞士雷达表授权服务中心。 




与其他高精度仪器一样,腕表机芯必须进行定期维护,以确保其正常运行。根据腕表的型号、当地气候、您的爱护程度与个人的佩戴习惯,每一款腕表的保养间隔周期不同。 一般而言,每五至七年,腕表机芯需要进行一次保养。若您想要了解更多信息,可以联系离您最近的Rado瑞士雷达表授权零售商,或是最近的Rado瑞士雷达表授权服务中心对腕表进行测试。


腕表电池平均使用寿命至少30个月,具体时长取决于腕表机芯类型,以及驱动各种功能所需的电量。   例如,计时码表所需的电量高于只显示时间的普通腕表。   当电池耗尽时,您可前往Rado瑞士雷达表授权服务中心进行电池更换。




Rado瑞士雷达表防水性能最低为3巴(30米)。   我们通常以压力(巴)来衡量Rado瑞士雷达表的防水性,因为这能更准确地反映腕表的防水性能。我们建议您参加水中项目时,选择佩戴防水性能达到10巴(100米)的腕表,或是经过认证的潜水腕表。  若腕表表冠处于打开状态,或您在水中使用了功能按钮,亦或当您跳入或潜入的水压超过建议的压力值,您的腕表可能会有损坏。此外,腕表的防水性能可能会受到不确定因素影响,我们建议您应至少每12个月,前往Rado瑞士雷达表授权服务中心进行一次检测。  


针对这一问题,可能是您的腕表受到了磁场的影响。   磁场在我们的日常生活中随处可见,电脑、电视、冰箱、手袋的磁性扣件、甚至一些珠宝亦会产生磁场。   当石英机芯腕表被放置于磁场环境时,它会停止走时。   一旦磁源移除,腕表又会重新开始走时,但在此之后,可能出现走时过慢现象。   若产生这种情况,您需要重新设置时间。   对于机械腕表而言,机芯中的钢制部件也可能会受磁场影响,从而导致腕表的走时变快。   不过,这个现象并非不可逆。   如若您的机械腕表走时受到了磁场的影响,您可前往Rado瑞士雷达表服务中心,我们将为您提供消磁服务。仅需几秒,您的腕表便可恢复正常走时。




一款优质的皮革表带,因您的佩戴习惯,使用寿命在6至12个月之间。  皮革材质随着时间的推移会自然老化,日常佩戴造成的磨损对其也会产生一定影响。   当您的皮革表带磨损后,您应该立即更换,以避免对腕表造成任何损害。   雷达表采用优质皮革材质制作表带,在您日常佩戴时,应避免皮革表带接触水、化妆品、香水,或暴露在极度寒冷和强烈阳光照射的环境下,这样可以有效延长皮革表带寿命。   


腕表作为一种奢侈品,日常佩戴应小心保养,注意以下事项。 避免敲击、冲击或跌落,以免损坏腕表的内部或外部元件。避免接触坚硬物体或材质,如指甲锉、花岗岩和砂石。这些东西含有的微粒可以划伤精钢,即使是Rado瑞士雷达表所采用的最坚硬的材质也不能幸免。


这取决于您腕表的具体状况。若需了解更多收费详情,您可以联系您所在地区的 Rado瑞士雷达表授权服务中心 。


Rado瑞士雷达表服务中心可以对您的腕表进行年度防水性能测试。   您可以使用 “服务中心指南” 找到离您最近的Rado瑞士雷达表服务中心。   


我们建议您只从Rado瑞士雷达表的授权零售商、Rado瑞士雷达表官方网上商店, 或通过其他Rado瑞士雷达表认证的在线零售合作伙伴平台购买Rado瑞士雷达表。 每枚新的Rado瑞士雷达表,都附有一张由Rado瑞士雷达表公司签发的保修卡,该卡必须在购买日加盖印章并签字。  如果您已经拥有一枚Rado瑞士雷达表,您可前往Rado瑞士雷达表授权零售商或Rado瑞士雷达表授权服务中心查验您腕表的真伪。


这取决于您的腕表是采用石英机芯还是自动机械机芯。您可以轻松获知您的腕表机芯类别。   多数Rado瑞士雷达表自动机械腕表的表盘上均印有“automatic”字样。自动机械腕表一般配有透明底盖,且可以透过底盖观察内部机芯。   当自动机械机芯腕表停止走时,您可以通过使用表冠给机芯上链,从而恢复走时。   石英机芯腕表则是采用电池供电。当石英机芯腕表停止走时,您可以前往Rado瑞士雷达表授权的服务中心更换电池。 具有EOL(电池低电量显示)功能的石英腕表会使用秒针来提示电池何时耗尽:当它以4秒的间隔向前跳动时,便是在提醒您应及时更换电池。   




请您妥善保管销售保修凭证或服务保修凭证,其有效期为24个月。   您还应该保留一份用户手册,以备不时之需。


Rado瑞士雷达表在全球多地拥有授权零售商以及授权服务中心,为您提供专业的腕表售后服务。点击此处 ,搜索离您最近的Rado瑞士雷达表服务中心。


原装Rado瑞士雷达表配件收费标准,取决于您腕表的具体状况。   若需了解原装Rado瑞士雷达表配件收费详情费用,您可以联系您所在地区的 Rado瑞士雷达表授权服务中心。Rado瑞士雷达表仅向符合我们严格品质和技术培训要求的授权客户和服务中心出售配件。   

我的皮肤对某些金属材质有过敏反应。   我还能佩戴Rado瑞士雷达表吗?




这取决于腕表所采用的材质。   每一枚Rado瑞士雷达表都需要经过维氏硬度计测量。 数值越大,材质的硬度越高。   天然钻石是最坚硬的物质,其硬度为10,000维氏硬度。   高科技陶瓷材质则可达1,250维氏硬度,Ceramos金属陶瓷材质和超轻高科技陶瓷材质约为1,750维氏硬度。   即使腕表所采用的材质非常坚硬,但仍非坚不可摧。   腕表作为一款高精度仪器,我们建议您像爱护其他奢侈品一样爱护您的Rado瑞士雷达表。   如果您的Rado瑞士雷达表掉落在地上,它有可能会损坏。   

¿Rado utiliza cristal resistente a los arañazos?

En Rado, todos los relojes incluyen cristal de zafiro de serie. Tiene un valor de dureza de 2.500 en la escala Vickers y es considerablemente más resistente a los arañazos que el cristal mineral o acrílico. Aunque es muy duro, no es indestructible. Al igual que la cerámica de alta tecnología, puede resultar arañado por materiales cuya dureza sea igual o superior a la del zafiro. Por este motivo, debe evitar el contacto con objetos o materiales como limas de uñas, granito o arena; todos ellos contienen partículas de materiales extremadamente duros.


首先,让我们定义耐磨防刮的含义。   Rado瑞士雷达表对“耐磨防刮”的定义是“可耐受普通日常使用中出现的刮擦”。   基于此,Rado瑞士雷达表的高科技陶瓷材质有较强的耐磨防刮性。但是,如果是与高科技陶瓷材质具有相同或更高硬度的材质发生接触,仍存在刮伤的风险。   指甲锉、花岗岩或砂石中就可能含有这些材质的颗粒。   我们建议您爱护自己的腕表,尽量避免在可能与其他高硬度材质接触的情况下佩戴。   



關於這個有許多說法,但都缺乏確切的依據。最有可能的原因可以一直追溯到1928年,當時「RADO」這個名字首次獲得註冊。齒輪曾是Schlup & Co.在倫朗瑙的工廠生產的重要零件之一。而「RADO」在世界語中的意思正是「輪子」。世界語是一種國際語言,它的語言基礎是在1887年奠定的,其目的是將不同歐洲語言的使用者聯合起來。

2 我腕表上的锚形标志停止摆动。我需要把我的腕表送去维修吗?   



How can I check the status of my order/shipment?

You may check the status of your order at any time by visiting our website and simply clicking on the My Account > My Order* link on the navigation bar at the top of the screen. You can also contact our Customer Service representative at 1-800-283-7236 (From 8 AM to 6 PM EST Monday through Friday) or by e-mailing us at customerservice.us@rado.com *Please note you must have an established account to view order status. Actual delivery times will vary based on method of shipment chosen and your geographic location.

Does rado.com/en_us ship Internationally?

We apologize, but at this time orders can only be shipped within the Continental United States and Hawaii. We cannot ship items to U.S. territories (Guam, Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana Islands, and U.S. Virgin Islands).

What is the Rado security policy?

Rado takes great care to ensure your credit card information is safe when placing an order online. Thus, we require you to re-enter your credit card information for each order. When making a purchase at rado.com/en_us, all transactions are done by using SSL 3.0 encryption -- the Internet standard for secure transactions. This ensures that your orders are encrypted when you transmit them to rado.com/en_us. If you have any questions regarding our privacy practices, please call us at 1-800-283-7236 (From 8 AM to 6 PM EST Monday through Friday) or email us on customerservice.us@rado.com

What forms of payment are accepted at rado.com/en_us?

The Rado Online Store accepts PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Affirm as forms of payment.

What is covered under the two-year Warranty?

Your Rado® watch is warranted by Rado Watch Co. Ltd. for a period of twenty-four (24) months from the date of purchase under the terms and conditions of this warranty. The international Rado warranty covers material and manufacturing defects existing at the time of delivery of the purchased Rado watch (“defects”). The warranty only comes into force if the warranty certificate is dated, fully and correctly completed, and stamped by an official Rado dealer (“valid warranty certificate”).

All Rado watches come with a two (2) year international warranty.

During the warranty period and by presenting the valid warranty certificate, you will have the right to have any defect repaired free of charge. In the event that repairs will not restore the normal conditions of use of your Rado watch, Rado Watch Co. Ltd. guarantees its replacement by a Rado watch of identical or similar characteristics. The warranty for the replacement watch ends twenty-four (24) months after the date of purchase of the replaced watch.

This manufacturer’s warranty does not cover:

The life of the battery

Normal wear and tear and aging (e.g. alteration of the color and/or material or non-metallic straps and chains, such as leather, textile, rubber)

Any damage on any part of the watch resulting from abnormal/abusive use, lack of care, negligence, accidents (knocks, dents, crushing, broken crystal, etc.), incorrect use of the watch and non-observance of the directions for use provided by Rado Watch Co. Ltd.

The handling of the watch by non-authorized persons (e.g. for battery replacement, services or repairs) or the alteration of the watch from its original condition beyond Rado Watch Co. Ltd.’s control.

All applicable implied warranties, including the implied warranty of merchantability and of fitness for a particular purpose given to you by law, are hereby limited in duration to the duration of this warranty. Under no circumstances will Rado Watch Co. Ltd. be liable for any indirect or consequential damages of any kind. Some states do not allow limitations on how long implied warranties last, or exclusions or limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so exclusions or limitations mentioned may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights that may vary from state to state.

Rado Watch Co. Ltd.’s obligation is strictly limited to repair or replacement as expressly stated in this limited warranty. Your official Rado dealer carries sole responsibility for any other guarantees.

The Rado Watch Co. Ltd.’s customer service ensures the perfect working order of your Rado watch. If your watch needs maintenance, rely on an official Rado dealer or an authorized Rado Service Center as set forth in the enclosed list: they alone can guarantee service according to Rado Watch Co. Ltd.’s standards.

Is the shopping process secure?

Rado takes great care to ensure your credit card information is safe when placing an order online. Thus, we require you to re-enter your credit card information for each order. When making a purchase at rado.com/en_us, all transactions are done by using SSL 3.0 encryption -- the Internet standard for secure transactions. This ensures that your orders are encrypted when you transmit them to rado.com/en_us. If you have any questions regarding our privacy practices, please call us at 1-800-283-7236 (From 8 AM to 6 PM EST Monday through Friday) or email us on customerservice.us@rado.com

Find more information here.

Where can i purchase additional links?

Additional links are available for all watches with bracelets. When ordering a watch online from rado.com/en_us, use the "Wrist Size" menu to choose the appropriate bracelet length. There will be no charge for additional links to size a bracelet up to 9.5 inches. Additional links will be charged according to the chart below. For any questions, please contact our Customer Service representative at 1-800-283-7236 (From 8 AM to 6 PM EST Monday through Friday).

Ceramic Links

1 Link: $20 additional charge

2 Links: $40 additional charge

4 Links: $80 additional charge

6 Links: $120 additional charge

Steel Links

1 Link: $10 additional charge

2 Links: $20 additional charge

4 Links: $40 additional charge

6 Links: $60 additional charge

Return and Exchange Policy

Extended Returns Policy 2020 - Orders purchased between November 2nd and December 31st can be returned until January 15th 2021. Customer satisfaction is our goal. If you are not satisfied with your product, you may return any unworn, undamaged merchandise purchased online from rado.com/en_us by mail within 14 days of delivery for an exchange or full refund of the purchase price. The customer will bear the cost of return shipping. Exchanged items will be shipped free of charge. Shipping & handling fees are non-refundable, except for defective or incorrectly shipped items. Any watch that fails quality inspection from Customer Service (e.g. scratches, worn, damaged) will be returned to you and no refund will be issued. Items must be returned in their original packaging, including any accessories, extra links, free gifts, or anything else that came with the item. For more information please contact Sales Support directly at 1-800-283-7236

Find more information here.

What is Affirm?

Affirm is a financing alternative to credit cards and other credit-payment products. Affirm offers instant loan decisioning for online purchases to be paid in fixed monthly installments over 3, 6, or 12 months. When checking out with Affirm, you will be redirected to the Affirm website to apply and see the conditions. For more information about Affirm, click Here.

What shipping options are available?

Unless otherwise stated, all shipments are with UPS and delivered Monday through Friday. The following shipping options are available.

2nd Day Shipping (Arrives in 2 business days)

Overnight Shipping (Next business day)

Rush Overnight Delivery: Orders approved Monday through Thursday by 2:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Friday by 12 PM Eastern Standard will have same day shipment. Orders approved after the aforementioned times will be processed the next business day.

Do you ship to PO Boxes?

We do not ship to PO Boxes.
Please note we only ship to U.S. addresses (Continental United States and Hawaii.)


Your shipping address is checked by our system for security reasons and to guarantee the best delivery time. Our address verification software package is updated regularly and contains all valid addresses from the United States of America. You will be asked to change your shipping address if this address you enter is not recognized. Should you have any problems with the address validation, please call our Customer Service representative at 1-800-283-7236 (From 8 AM to 6 PM EST Monday through Friday.)

How to make a return / exchange

To return an item, please follow the instructions on the back of your packing slip. Please complete the form that came in the box and enclose it with your returned merchandise. The watch must be returned with box, warranty cards, user manual, gifts with purchase (if applicable), and any extra links due to bracelet sizing. In order to expedite your return, you must choose the appropriate reason code for your return on the packing slip. Carefully package merchandise to prevent damage in transit. Ship your return using the return label sent to you on the bottom of the original invoice. If you do not have your packing slip, please contact us at 1-800-283-7236 (From 8 AM to 6 PM EST Monday through Friday) or by emailing customerservice.us@rado.com. We recommend that all returns and exchanges be sent by UPS or FedEx with a valid tracking number attached. We are not responsible for items which are lost, stolen, broken, or damaged during the return process. All refunds will be issued in the form of the original payment. All return documents (packing slip/return labels) are on the outside of the box in a plastic sleeve. Please note: All exchanges must be equal or greater in value to the returned merchandise. If the value of the item(s) that you wish to exchange exceeds the value of your returned item(s), you will be charged the difference. Return Your Package To: Swatch Group (U.S) Inc. C/O – Rado Ecommerce Division 55 Metro Way, Suite 1 Secaucus , NJ 07094 United States of America

Find more information here.

